Cookie Policy

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”)


My MAIA Inc.

Address: 257 Old Churchmans Road, DE. 19720 E-mail address: [email protected]
(the “Company“).



Address: Kathleen Court Trip the Kappucini, Flat 1 – Zabbar – MALTA
Address: e-mail [email protected]


Navigation data of the user visiting the website of MAIA Web App (the “Website“), as described in the Privacy Policy of the same, which can be consulted here:



Cookies are data created by a server that are stored in text files on the hard disk of your computer or on any device you use to access the Internet (smartphone, tablet) and allow us to collect information about your browsing on the Website.
Cookies can be stored permanently on the user’s computer and have a variable duration (so-called persistent cookies), but they can also vanish when the browser is closed or have a limited duration (so-called session cookies).
Cookies can be used for different purposes, have different characteristics, and can be used either by the owner of the Website you are visiting (so-called first-party cookies) or by third parties (so-called third-party cookies).


When the user visits the Website, the following Cookies may be installed:

Technical cookies, related to activities strictly necessary for the operation of the Website. In particular, there are:

  1. Session/navigation cookies: The use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored persistently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable the safe and efficient exploration of the Website and its applications. The so-called session cookies used in the Website avoid the use of other computer techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users’ browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user. They do not require your consent.

  2. Persistent cookies: persistent cookies remain on the device even after leaving the Website, until the user deletes them or until their expiration date is reached. The Website creates this type of cookie and stores them on the device so that they can be read when the user visits the Website again. This makes it possible, for example, to find again, even on subsequent visits to the Website, the preferences set (e.g. storage of registered user…). They do not require your consent.

Analytics cookies, installed to collect aggregate information of mainly statistical nature (how long you stay on a web page, number of visitors to the Website…).

  1. First-party analytical cookies: like technical cookies in that they are installed directly by the Website you are visiting to improve its usability. The use of such cookies requires your consent.
  2. Third-party analytical cookies: analytical cookies made and installed by third parties to analyze users’ browsing in order to make statistics on visits or to improve content offerings, show products similar to each other, and possibly place targeted advertising on web pages. The system used is Matomo Analystics, an open-source web analytics service owned by Matomo Analytics, like other analytics systems, uses cookies to enable the Website to analyze how users use the Website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including IP address, masked) will be transmitted and stored at’s servers in EU. Matomo Analytics will use this information for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of the Website, compiling reports on the activities that users perform on the Website (including the search engines they come from, keywords they use, language of use and the most visited pages). You may in any case refuse to use cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser, but this may prevent you from using the full functionality of the Website. The use of such cookies requires your consent.

Profiling Cookies, cookies used to track the user’s browsing on the web and create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies can be transmitted to the user’s terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences already manifested by the same user in online browsing.

  1. First-party profiling cookies: used and installed by the Company to collect information about the user’s browsing habits with the aim of proposing search results and feeds that are relevant and in line with the user’s interests. This means that they are also used to limit the number of times the user views a certain content. While browsing within the Website, profiling cookies allow confirmation that the user is browsing the news and search results proposed by MAIA Web App, showing him or her content that may be of interest to him or her based on what he or she has previously visited. The profiling cookies used are permanent, although they remain on the user’s device for a limited time. The use of such cookies requires your consent.
  2. Third-party profiling cookies: used and installed by third parties to track the user’s web browsing and create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices. The use of such cookies requires your consent.


    Details of the cookies used are provided in the banner.


The installation of technical cookies does not require the user’s consent, so they are installed automatically upon accessing the Website, except as discussed below.

As for other cookies, they can be activated or deactivated by the user either by category or individually, through  the short information notice that appears at the time the user accesses the Website.


Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. This means that the user has the option at any time to set his or her browser to accept all cookies, only some, or to reject them by disabling their use by sites. In addition, users can normally set their browser preferences so that they are notified whenever a cookie is stored on their computer. Finally, at the end of each browsing session, the user can delete the cookies collected from the hard drive of his device. If you want to delete the cookies installed in the cookie folder of the browser you are using, you should remember that each browser has different procedures for managing the settings.
By selecting the links below, the user can obtain specific instructions for some of the major browsers:
Microsoft Edge:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:
If the user does not want to receive Google Analytics cookies, he/she can do so by linking to the page:
If the user wants to learn more about cookies in general he can visit
If the user wants to learn more about behavioral advertising and online privacy he or she can visit


Browsing data are processed by the Data Controller at the same time as navigation by installing Technical Cookies: these data are necessary to ensure proper navigation within the Website.

You can choose whether or not to give your consent to the installation of analytical cookies and profiling cookies. Your personal data will be processed through the installation of such cookies only with your express consent in the manner indicated above.


Browsing data may be communicated to third parties operating as data controllers, by way of example, authorities and supervisory and control bodies, and in general subjects, public or private, entitled to request the data.

Browsing data may be processed, on behalf of the Data Controller, by third parties acting as Data Processors (pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR), who carry out specific activities on behalf of the Data Controller, by way of example, companies that carry out the management and/or maintenance service of the Website, but also parties that provide services for the management of the information system and telecommunications networks.


Browsing data may be processed by the employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller and/or the Data Processor deputed to the pursuit of the above purposes, who have been expressly authorized to the processing and who have received appropriate operational instructions.


The Data Controller is based in the USA.

Browsing data may be processed by Data Processors who are also based in countries outside the European Union, whose level of data protection has been deemed adequate by the European Commission pursuant to Article 45 of the GDPR. In the absence of an adequacy decision, the transfer of your personal data may only be carried out following the signing of the Standard Contractual Clauses provided for in Article 46(2)(c) of the GDPR.


By contacting the Data Controller, via e-mail address [email protected], data subjects may ask the Data Controller for access to the data concerning them, their deletion, the rectification of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data, the restriction of processing in the cases provided for by Article 18 GDPR, as well as the opposition to processing, for reasons related to their particular situation, in the cases of legitimate interest of the Data Controller.

In addition, data subjects, where processing is based on consent or contract and is carried out by automated means, have the right to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data, as well as, if technically feasible, to transmit them to another data controller without hindrance.

Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the member state where they usually reside or work or the state where the alleged violation occurred.

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My MAIA Inc.
257 Old Churchmans Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA
EIN: 92-3279708